I was watching a show about how swords are made and they showed the bladesmith heating up this piece of steel in fire and then pounding on it with a hammer to get it into the shape of a sword.
This process was repeated over and over again.
Apparently, putting the steel in fire and then pounding on it made it more durable and more resilient at the same time.
I think people are like that, too.
Some of the toughest and most resilient people I know didn’t get that way because they never had any adversity in their lives and they didn’t choose the adversity that they went through, but they came out of it a stronger people and better able to adapt in the future.
I know we didn’t choose the circumstances that we’re in right now, but on a day where you feel like you went through fire and you were pounded upon I hope you’ll also reflect that like steel, that is making you stronger and more resilient.
Question: How has adversity helped you become a stronger and more resilient person?