One of my favorite quotations is from Albert Einstein who said, “A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.”
There are at least two great ideas packed in to that brief quotation.
The first is that we should try stuff in life. We should do things and see how they turn out because the universe rewards activity. If all we do is think, and never do anything, we can’t expect much progress or for things to change.
The other idea that I took out of the quote is that it’s just part of reality that not everything that we try will work, and sometimes we get paralyzed by the fear of making a mistake, of trying something that doesn’t work out, but when you think about it, that’s part of life – trying things and seeing what happens. And so maybe adopting a more experimental mindset and being open to the opportunity that we can still learn something from the things that don’t work out, can give us the encouragement we need to try something new.