Yogi Berra is famously quoted as having said,” When you come to a fork in the road… take it.” Some people think that’s funny because it may be referring to an actual fork, like a utensil is laying in the road. One explanation of why Berra said that, though, is less about a play on […]
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How to Make a Major Career (or Life) Decision

I was at a business networking event where one of the people introduced herself as a wedding photographer. And people were very interested in that it was sort of novel to have someone like that at this particular business networking group’s event. And when they started asking her questions, she revealed that she had been […]
career, career decisions, decision-making, DecisionsSometimes Nothing is a Real Cool Hand

In the classic movie “Cool Hand Luke”, Luke, who’s played by Paul Newman, wins a hand at poker with a valuable pot, without cards or combinations of any value in his hand. When he’s confronted with the fact that he basically won with nothing, he said,” Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.” In decision-making, […]
decision-making, Decisions, MindfulnessUse the “3-Day Rule” for Making Big Decisions

Years ago, my choice of which college to attend seemed like a great decision. Until a few days into the first semester of freshman year. That’s when I started to hate the place. That’s also when deciding whether or not to stay seemed pretty big. My father, a master at decision-making, offered this advice: “Imagine you decided to transfer, then […]
decision-making, leadership